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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Introduction to the Karmic Konnection

The purpose of this blog is to re-define the concept of karma and how it can be applied in today's dynamic and diversified society. No this is not a religious take on karma, for the very description of this blog seems sacrilegious on the surface. Karma is a universal principle that is defined in several different ways; Indian religions define karma as an "action" or "deed" that is usually bound to conditions of cause and effect, and Western cultures refer to karma as simply "fate". 

The common problem with both of these definitions is the idea that you are only in control of your own actions, and you have to accept the outcome of those actions as a result of fate or an offering from God. You must become a detached observer of the actions being performed, and leave the rest up to an unknown force. You must remove your ego from anything you do. You must become karma's bitch.

Why can't we strive for the results we want, and not accept anything else? Why can't we keep our egos, and take personal ownership of the outcomes of our actions? Why can't we not only control our actions, but take it to the next level and strive to control the outcomes? Why can't karma be our bitch?

It sure would make the imbeciles of this world more accountable when stuff gets screwed up. That's my take on the karmic konnection. But not to worry, most of my posts won't be this serious. 

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